5 tips to overcome your first interview

Features, Self-help

Vol 27, Issue 20, 14 March 2025

Practical training is one of the most challenging and important parts of the studies. It allows students to get a first-hand experience in their chosen sphere, while the whole process of searching, getting ready, and applying prepares them for getting a real job after graduation. Those skills are crucial in any field, but especially in the business world. The competition is high, so the question is: how to stand out and nail your first ever interview? This article will hopefully clear it out for you.

  1. Research the questions

If that is your first interview, you should be prepared for what to expect! Questions such as “tell me about yourself”, “what drew your attention to our company”, “how do you deal with (deadlines, stress, routine tasks)?” are extremely common, and there is almost a hundred percent chance you will get asked one of those.

  1. Practice your answers

I get it; we all struggle to make out the time for practicing, but what is actually important is preparing your answers, preferably on paper, and saying them out loud. Be careful not to ‘learn’ them, as you might sound like a robot. Be natural. That is why you should not lie and say only the words you would say in the real life.

  1. Make it all about them

While questions seem to be asked in order to hear more about you, which is true to some distinct, but in every answer you give, you must mention them as well. For example, in the “tell me about yourself” question, mention that you are specifically interested in some area or in improving skills AND want to work on it specifically in their company. It will leave a positive impression, because everyone likes to be mentioned and talked about!

  1. Ask questions in return

As a final part, they will ask if you have any questions for them. The worst thing you can do is tell them you have none. It will only show the lack of your interest and commitment. The best question you could ask is something slightly more personal. You could get to know the interviewer’s story on how they got into the company and what they like the most about it. Get them to be talking about themselves, and show the signs of active listening (nodding, asking follow-up questions).

  1. Be yourself

Do not try to be too business-like. Be friendly, kind, and sincere. If the interviewer is a professional, they will create a casual and easy-going atmosphere, where you will feel comfortable and valuable. Do not pretend to be who you are not, later they will find out about it anyway. Relax, make jokes and be your true self!

Hopefully now you feel more at ease with your interview and are ready to impress them! Confidence and patience are all it takes. As a final word, do not demand too much of your first time and remember to celebrate your achievements!

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