Game Jams and what they are

What Is A Game Jam & Why YOU Should Attend

Career Opportunities, Events, Features

Vol. 27, Issue 01

As someone who has always loved videogames for as long as I can remember, the decision to study game design was an easy one. XAMK offers an excellent program that will give you everything you need to create games.

But what if told you that there is something that will get you from a complete beginner to someone who understands the craft and process of creating a game and it will only take you two days!

The answer is: GAME JAMS!

What Is A Game Jam?

A Game Jam is basically a gathering of many people who love to play games. It can be an in-person or online event, and it doesn’t matter if you know how programming works or if you can draw or not. You do not need any of these skills to take part, because everyone is welcome. All you need is your passion for games, and a positive mindset.

original footage of a game jam at meduusa studio

When the Jam has started, a topic will be announced to which you and your team should try to create a game for. Usually, Game Jams take up to two days of constant game development. From time to time all attendees can meet up for some well-deserved Pizza or some “Jamaoke” (Karaoke, but at a Game Jam).

I’m not gonna lie, attending a Game Jam is quite exhausting as well. But while you are working on your project you have the full freedom to create anything you can imagine, it does not even need to be a digital game, there are several things you could create with just pen and paper. The only important thing is that it comes from you, and that you had fun creating it.

In the end, each team will create a small trailer or presentation for their game and present it to the others. By the end of it you will be incredibly surprised by the skills you have learned in that short amount of time, and in the best case you will be very proud of the game you have carried out and created with your team.

Why YOU Should Attend

Game Jams are a perfect opportunity to apply the skills you learn in class to a real game project and get hands-on experience. But they also help, and sometimes even force you to learn a new skill.

You will meet some awesome people who are open to help and support you and maybe even want to work with you in the future.

Overall, game jams are fantastic for anyone interested in game development, whether you’re looking to break into the industry, improve your skills, meet new people, or just have fun creating something new and unique.

If I already convinced you, check out the “XAMK Game Designers” Discord channel so that you don’t miss any Game Jam announcements!

Here is a list of upcoming Game Jams

  • Quantum Game Jam (13-15 September 2024)
  • Finnish Game Jam (Last weekend of January)
  • Mehu Game Jam (First weekends of every month)
Malena Rose
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