A Celebration of Freedom and Tradition – Independence Day in Finland 


Finland which is in far northern Europe celebrates its independence on December 6th of every year. Finns from all over the world gather to celebrate their heritage on this day which honors the nation’s 1917 declaration of independence from Russia. The road to Finland’s freedom was not easy. Finland was given up to Russia in 1809 after being ruled by Sweden for years and it was under Russian authority till the end of World War I. It was a hard journey for the Finnish people because they suffered from several difficulties at this time such as language limitations, cultural repression and economic exploitation. Even though they were having tough times Finnish nationalism became stronger and the hunger for their independence got spread. Finland declared its independence from Russia on 6th December 1917 and developed into the successful and independent country it is today. Finland celebrates Independence Day with considerable tradition and passion. Finns gather together to fly the national flag and sing songs on this day.

Honouring the people who gave their lives to defend Finland’s independence is another significant part of their Independence Day. In remembrance of the fallen soldiers minutes of silence are held. This is a reminder of the costs incurred to secure Finland’s independence as well as the significance of maintaining freedom. Independence Day in Finland has become more sophisticated in recent years merging smoothly with long-standing traditions. Concerts, fireworks and other events that unite people and promote Finnish culture are held in many cities. Still the spirit of Finland Independence Day has not changed. It’s a day to celebrate the freedom Finland has had for more than a century and look forward to a united and hopeful future. “Vapauden puolesta” means “For freedom” in Finnish.

In summary both tradition and freedom are celebrated on Finland’s Independence Day. It is a moment for Finns to unite and celebrate. Join in the fun and raise a glass to Finland’s continued prosperity and independence whether you are in Finland or somewhere else in the world.

Sandun Silva
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