Cosmetics in the modern world

Kouvola, Products, Reviews, Self-help

Vol. 26, Issue 13, 19 January 2024

The frenzied pace of modern life makes us always be on top. Everyone should take care of themselves, the condition of their skin, nails, and hair. In times of catastrophic lack of time and haste, we cannot do without professional cosmetics. Even when applying for a job, the employer first of all pays attention to the grooming and appearance of a potential employee. All kinds of masks, creams, lotions, gels will help to keep skin, hair, nails healthy and beautiful, regardless of the factors of life. Modern cosmetics help to reduce the time required for self-care. The technologies of modern cosmetics are designed for the rhythm of life. It helps to nourish our body with useful vitamins and trace elements, allows us to delay such unpleasant factors as the appearance of wrinkles and stretch marks, various redness, and allergic rashes. For those who forgot or were mistaken that beauty is not just a word, but first the health of the body, the latest technologies allow you to regain lost health and beauty. Professional cosmetics will help smooth the skin and get rid of wrinkles, return the skin to its original color and elasticity. No self-respecting person can do without cosmetics nowadays.

The modern beauty industry produces a huge range of cosmetics for various purposes and different price ranges. In order to properly navigate the variety of cosmetic products, in this sea of cosmetics, anyone needs at least basic concepts about the types of cosmetics in order to make the right choice and buy cosmetics or perfumes that are right for you. According to the method of application, cosmetics can be professional and individual. Professional or so-called salon cosmetics are used for use in beauty salons by professional cosmetologists. These cosmetics contain a higher concentration of active ingredients, so although it is more effective, only a specialist can use it, because the possibility of side effects and allergic reactions is not excluded.

Individual cosmetics have a less concentrated, gentle composition and can be used by ordinary people at home for independent daily use without much risk of harming themselves, although even it must be applied, be sure to follow the instructions. Keep in mind that professional cosmetics are much more expensive than individual cosmetics of a similar class. By functional use, cosmetics are divided into: creams, emulsions, tonics, lotions and other skin products; face masks; powders; cleansers – lotions, soaps, shower gels, bath foams; hair care products – shampoos, balms, conditioners; personal hygiene products; cosmetics for shaving – foams, gels, etc.; cosmetics against age-related skin and hair changes.

In addition, from the point of view of the functions performed by cosmetics, cosmetics can be caring, therapeutic and decorative. Caring cosmetics are used for constant, daily care and maintenance of healthy skin and hair. Therapeutic cosmetics – contains medicines in its composition. It is intended for the treatment of dermatological problems. Over the past few years, cosmetics have become much closer to pharmaceuticals, which gave rise to a new direction – cosmeceuticals, which is a mixed medicinal and cosmetic product.