Tik tok tik tok… One more week and it is winter holiday! My Asian friends are you celebrating our biggest annual time: The Lunar New Year? More about this beautiful and sentimental tradition will be featured in this issue by Trang. In a relevant news, Ari Lankinen who has just been back from his exchange semester in China will give us some appealing cultural reflections about the country as well as his study there.
Have you got any plan for this weekend? Me, I am drowning in assignments and project to be honest… but hey do not forget to grant yourself some time entertaining your mind. Better mind, better productivity! Put on a warm jacket and invite some of your ‘detective-blood’ friends with you to the movie for “Murder on the Orient Express”. A review by Nikita may intrigue you even ones who are not so into this genre (yet), try something new pals! Or how about getting lost in fantasy with “The Hazel Wood”, curious about its content? Read through Hafsa’s article in this issue. Also remember to visit Stela’s corn flour soup recipe, easy yet very appetizing for these cold winter days.
Time runs fast and we human all once or some time want to stop that clock, aren’t we? Maybe that’s the reason why we try to keep and capture the precious moment in a tangible form that the dictionary defines as photos. Talking about images and memories, I believe it is better to have Trung to express his love and things for photography since he has such an affection for capturing those bits of the life.
Well, for the epilogue of this editorial, on behalf of Insider team I hope you all have a safe and fun holiday. See you next (Lunar) year!
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