First of April Inspiration


It´s the morning of the first April. As every year this day comes a little unexpected and you didn´t planned anything fancy to fool around with your friends, roommates or your partner. So the standard jokes like “I am pregnant” or the “I put some Salt in the Sugar dispenser” will come along as every year. 
But not this year! With this little guide you will surprise your roommates and have a lot of fun too.
The first joke I want to introduce you to is the confetti bomb. First of all, you have to invite your friend to your house, or you have to know at what time your partner/roommate is coming home. Then you have to prepare yourself with some confetti in your hands, therefore you don´t necessarily need to buy some confetti, you can also use a hole puncher and some old paper and make it by yourself. Then, prepared with the confetti in your hand, when your roommate/partner etc. opens the door you can throw the confetti in the air and shout “confetti bomb”. Seriously, who is not loving some confetti. Even if you have a really bad day it will cheer you up instantly.
The second joke will bring a lot of joy to your roommate/partner. Why not turn the bad joke into something nice afterwards? And for sure your joke will be forgiven directly. All you have to do is get up a little earlier and prepare a breakfast. Then, you have to wakeup your victim of the joke and tell him that he overslept a lot and its noon already. Then he will jump out of bed and find the perfect breakfast. He might be angry first, but after some pancakes he will be super happy and forgive you.  I hope you will spend some funny times with your loved ones!