Insider is going to be 20 years old!
Our magazine’s teenage journey is coming to an end in a few months, which means we can expect to have a BIRTHDAY PARTYYYYY EVERYONE!!!
Yep you are right, we are throwing a party next February to celebrate Insider’s 20th anniversary. Some may ask what kind of party that you have to prepare in 4 months? That’s because we are trying to send out the invitation to all Insider’s insiders – who have contributed to the magazine for the past 20 years. So many people from so many countries. Believe me, retrieving work was a pain to us especially those contacts and data from 90s when there was not any kind of digital drive to save online. So, we had to go through every single issue to make a name list. You can calculate 20 volumes x about 22 issues each volume = the number of issues we worked on that one afternoon.
Insider has changed so much comparing to its first day, in a positive way of course. The preparation for the anniversary is going on, there has not been a concrete schedule for everything yet but we guarantee the party is going to be nice so stay moist!
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