A sunny hello from Malta!
This article starts a series of reports from the sunny European country, Malta. I will be your special reporter, giving you information about thing like specialisation training and remote studying. My name is Suvi – here we go!
Before even starting as an international business student, my plan and goal was to move to Malta after graduating. I also knew that I wanted to speed up my studies, since when I started my studies I was already 31 years old and a mother, so I didn’t want to “waste” my time but graduate as fast as possible.
During my first year in XAMK I took both first and second year courses and spent all day and every day from 8:00 to 15:30 at the campus. I took part in the lectures and then the spare time I was writing reports and completing home assignments in the lovely library of Kouvola campus. Since I had already a vast experience of customer service and working life, I didn’t have to do the first training period at all, which was helping me a lot in my pursuit to graduate quickly.
For my degree I needed a specialisation training and I wanted to do it in Malta. My original plan was to come here for the summer (4 months in total) and then, after the training period was over, return to Finland and to Kouvola to finish my studies. However, things did not turn out like that! My story is a perfect proof of the fact that even though one has everything sorted and planned, life surprises and messes up the plans. This time life messed up my plans perfectly!
In the upcoming issues of Insider I will explain more about applying for the training positions as well as the recruitment process itself. I will also go through what you need to take into consideration when having your specialisation training abroad, and since I am staying in Malta and not returning to Finland, I’ll finish my studies remotely, so that will be discussed too. Also, I’ll tell you about my everyday life, so stay tuned!
- Editorial Staff academic year 2024-2025 - 1st October 2023
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