The final colors of autumn

Features, Holidays, Kouvola, student story, Travel

Vol. 26, Issue 08, 17 November 2023

In autumn, the leaves of the trees begin to change their color. This is due to a change in the ratio between chlorophyll and other pigments contained in the leaves.

Chlorophyll is a green pigment that is responsible for photosynthesis. It absorbs light and uses it to convert carbon dioxide and water into sugars and oxygen. At the end of summer, the amount of chlorophyll in the leaves begins to decrease. This is due to the fact that the days are getting shorter and plants need less energy for photosynthesis. As the amount of chlorophyll decreases, other pigments begin to appear, which are contained in the leaves in small quantities. These include carotenoids and anthocyanins.

Carotenoids are yellow, orange and red pigments. They are found in the leaves of many plants, but their number increases in autumn. Carotenoids absorb blue and green light, and therefore the leaves acquire a yellow-orange color.

Anthocyanins are red, blue and purple pigments. They are formed in leaves from the amino acid phenylalanine. Anthocyanins absorb blue and green light, and therefore the leaves turn red, blue or purple.The number of anthocyanins in the leaves depends on several factors, including the variety of the plant, weather conditions and the level of illumination. In conditions of cool and sunny weather, the number of anthocyanins increases, and the leaves acquire a brighter color.

The influence of weather conditions on the final colors of autumn:

Weather conditions play an important role in the formation of the final colors of autumn. The cold and the sun contribute to the production of anthocyanins, so on cold and sunny days the leaves acquire a brighter color. Warm and rainy days, on the contrary, contribute to the production of chlorophyll, so on such days the leaves acquire a greener color.

Here are some tips to help you see the final colors of autumn in all their glory:

  1. Go for a walk in the park or forest early in the morning or late at night. At this time of day, the light is soft and diffused, which allows you to better see the shades of the leaves.
  2. Look for trees with different shades of foliage. This will create a more spectacular picture.
  3. Don’t be afraid to touch the leaves. Feel their softness and warmth.
  4. Take some photos. These memories will delight you all winter.

But there is also sadness in the final colors of autumn. They remind us that summer has passed and winter is coming soon. Autumn is the time to say goodbye to summer. We say goodbye to warm days, bright sun and green grass. The final colors of autumn are a symbol of change. They tell us that life goes on and that something new is waiting for us ahead.

Thus, the final colors of autumn are a unique natural phenomenon that is admired by people all over the world. This is the result of complex biochemical processes that depend on several factors, including the plant variety, weather conditions and the level of illumination