Xamk is working first time ever in this kind of project together with IFPI-Finland ry to offer students a whole new type of free studies options.
Emma Gala is Finnish music award show, which happens once in a year. Emma Gala was organized first time on the year 1983, and the following one is going to be 3.2.2018 at Espoo Metro Arena. In the event artists get awarded in various categories, last year’s categories added up to 23 different ones. The Emma Gala is televised trough Nelonen (channel four).
The two-year contract will include students in three different projects: planning the social media marketing, designing one of the trophies and planning the outfits for people giving the trophy.
First of the courses called social media marketing started at 14.9. in a kickstart session with media office OMD together with the music producer personnel. Musician Aleksanteri Hakaniemi was present as a guest artist to share his ideas and visions for the project.
The social media marketing course includes lectures, online studies and a rare opportunity for students to see and visit places such as local music record companies and marketing office OMD. The course started with marketing lectures offered by OMD, and continued by brief regarding the social media marketing of Emma Gala. Based on the brief students will work in groups creating their own strategy. The winning social media marketing strategy will be implemented, and the winning group will be part of the media team. Winning team will also be present on Emma Gala, and their main job there will be to interview the musicians.
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