

Welcome back, everyone 

Is it me or time flies. We are already in our 3rd week from charismas holiday but nevertheless, hope you are having a wonderful week.  In this week’s issue we have interesting articles both from Mikkeli and kouvola. Also, for last week’s issue, we had encountered some problems with the printing and that’s why you were not able find last week’s insider magazines.   

If you are interested in games and xamk’s library relocation information than there is an exclusive article for it. Also, if you are wondering what dish to try than there is delicious recipe. Let us know what you think, when you try it… 

For this week movie its perfect to watch it with friends so don’t forget to check out the review article and the book recommendation of this week’s as well the profile, who could be this week… 

And lastly but not least there is an amazing article from Suvi-Malta that we recommend that you defiantly check it out and I think you wouldn’t want to miss it. 

Stay, tuned for our next issues!!