Family and Friends – Life jacket in the stormy sea of life
Vol. 26, Issue 10, 01 December 2023
Studying abroad is a thrilling adventure filled with the promise of new experiences, academic growth and personal discovery. However, for international students, this exciting chapter often comes with a tinge of anxiety and uncertainty. Navigating a new culture, adapting to a different educational system and forging new friendships can be daunting tasks, especially when far away from the familiar support of family and friends back home.

Family is the bedrock of our existence, the foundation upon which we build our lives. Although dynamics within families can be a rollercoaster of emotions from love and joy to tension and conflict, every one of us can agree that they are our first teachers, our first friends and our unwavering source of comfort and support. Friends are the extended family we choose. The individuals who connect with us on a deeper and more meaningful level and the ones with whom we share our laughter and tears.

When the storms of life rage around us, our family and friends provide a safe harbor and sanctuary where we can take refuge and find solace. Whether it’s a comforting phone call, a heartfelt message or a video call filled with laughter and joy, these interactions provide a much-needed connection to home while reminding us that we are not alone in the journey in the stormy sea called life. Just as a life jacket provides buoyancy in times of crisis, advice and guidance from family and friends act as our compass. Their ability to offer a listening ear and the support to process our experiences, observations and insights can enable us students to thrive in our new surroundings through these exchanges of perspectives.

As students, it’s crucial to recognize and appreciate the invaluable life jacket that family and friends provide. The bonds we build during these formative years not only enhance our academic journey but also shape the very essence of our character. As the saying goes, “No man is an island,” and this holds especially true for students. So, amidst the hustle and bustle of campus life, remember to pick up the phone, video call or send a message. Remember that in this unpredictable ocean called life, just like the knowledge of having a life jacket brings you unparalleled comfort, family and friends provide a source of strength and a reminder that you’re not alone in this journey. Happy sailing!
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