Torille! – The Joy of Mutual Support


When one considers a degree to pursue, people recommend picking something definite. They say to pick something technical like engineering or helpful like medicine or profitable like law. Rarely will people advise you to take such a general degree as business, but what these people don’t consider is the pursuit of a business degree at XAMK Kouvola in Finland.

Since Finland is a highly socialized Nordic country, most day-to-day worries for the citizens (healthcare, free school, and unemployment benefits) are alleviated by the government. Naturally with such a nurturing government, it makes sense that they are reluctant to give such help to foreigners. Fortunately, they offer extremely cheap education and for those who entered before 2017, it was free. A seemingly vague or even useless degree is extremely useful in Finland, because in this country you are taught how to start your own business.

If you need to brainstorm some ideas, the lecturers Sabine Suorsa and Kirsi Rouhiainen are the place to start. They were the heads of the wonderful program known as Startup Passion which would help you formulate your ideas and give you practice pitching such ideas in front of investors. After talking to these ladies, the next place to stop is Kouvola Innovation, just a few meters from the campus. Timo Lehmusmetsä is an advisor who helps individuals move from idea, to business plan and financial plan. He can also help you to find a location to rent and get you connected to the right people. Bringing this plan to the bank and Migri offers the possibility of not only a business loan, but also a work residence permit and a monthly entrepreneur stipend.

So, consider staying in Finland. The education system is heralded throughout the world for a reason. XAMK Kouvola in particular is a diamond in the rough. It is hard to believe that such a small city could house such a wealth of potential. The annually revised curriculum makes it extremely adaptable. The lecturers provide support, passion, and knowledge. And most importantly, there is no filler. Coming from the United States where it is required to take a year of courses outside of your major before beginning what you set out to do, I can say that Finland is a breath of fresh, albeit cold, air.

Welcome to Finland. A country whose language has no future tense, because the future exists today.