Track your screen time
Knowing about the problem is already a half-way point to creating the solution. Knowing exact numbers and setting precise goals – your chances to fight bad habit are even higher! Track your screen time with Moment app, get some useful insight of your usage applications usage and decide what you want to do with that information.
For 2 weeks I have been using Moment application with the purpose to know myself and my habits better. When do I use my phone more often? Which ap plications consume most of the time? Do I want to change it?
Moment app – track how much you and your family use your phone. Created by Kevin Holesh
Firstly, you can see how many times per day you have picked up your phone and how many minutes you spent on Instagram, Youtube or browsing. I would say, that if your overall usage is 5-8 hours per day, then it is worth watching carefully where exactly you spend your valuable time. It might be Coursera, Books or just Social Media, just be sure that it is what you want.
Secondly, if you are not satisfied with time spend with your phone in your hands, app has an inner challenge. You need day by day track your time, decrease usage of camera or delete applications. Nice feature to try and get to know yourself better.
I would recommend setting personal goals (like using phone for 2-3 hours for entertainment and 4 hours for learning something new) and keeping in mind, that it is psychologically hard for our brain to use the same device both for emptying our mind and fulfilling it with something useful. Just have a try and notice how your phone helps or does not help you in achieving your goals and living your life.
Bags: sometimes it does not work if I have not opened the application in the morning.
Some alternatives for laptops: StayFocused expansion for Chrome and LeechBlock for Firefox and Chrome allow users to block time-wasting sites. Focus is a Mac app that blocks distracting websites and applications so you can get peace of mind, and get some work done. ProcrastriTracker is a time tracking tool that automatically tracks what applications and documents you use, and allows you to view statistics on your usage
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