Valletta, Malta

A week of a content writer

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I am obviously telling about the week of a content writer in iGaming industry, which probably is a lot different from other content writers. At least the main topic is, since in my field we write about online casinos: games, casino reviews, news, articles, blog posts and such. The company I was having my internship in – surprise, I am not in that company anymore, though I had a full-time job there, ooops – had a quite clear structure on how things were done during the week. 

On Mondays I would write news for various different affiliate sites. News in this context meant that I wrote about different offerings and campaigns that online casinos were having during that particular week or month. I had multiple sites I was responsible for, which meant that the pace for writing needed to be quite fast. After only a couple of weeks I really got the hang of it and started to write daily more than was required: I love writing, so it was easy for me to reach the word count. In fact, I ended up being the most productive writer from all teams: I beat Norway, Spain, UK, Russia and SWEDEN. Finns get it, Finns know why it was so great!  

Anyhugh (can you see that I play with words for a living), the content that I created needed to be at least two things: user-friendly and include well-implemented SEO – search engine optimization. A tip for all of you that are interested in content marketing: study SEO. You can actually study it on your own and I highly recommend it, it is a very important part of everyday work of a content writer. 

On Tuedays, Wednesdays and Thursdays I wrote casino reviews, articles and sometimes about sports with betting tips. On Fridays it was however my time to shine: our company had also multiple blog sites that were dealing with very random topics. This was nice, since I got to be creative and also I needed to have research on many different things. I loved it! 

But, I didn’t love it all enough. To be continued…. 

Hugh Clack
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