
Do you think you know Finland well? Your answer may be Yes, or No. I am a foodie but I’ve you ever heard of Reindeer Kebab? Not until when I came to Finland. Finland is so blessed with beautiful nature, lakes, ponds, forest, etc. So, while exploring Finland, I’ve been to Helsinki so many times but apparently this last time all I wanted to eat was a Reindeer Kebab.   In so many countries, people eat a lot of weird things. For example, French people eat frogs, Nigerians eat cow legs, Chinese eats insects, bee larvae, silk worm etc. I became so interested in Finnish food, so I traveled down to Helsinki. Oh! I love Helsinki, its markets. You will find all type of food. Finnish fried fishes, potatoes, salmon, etc. Finnish people eat Reindeer Pâté. I decided to have to walk down into the Old Market Hall near to the Harbor.

I walked a little bit far away from the harbor and I found this. “7 Reasons to eat Kangaroo”
‘Photo was taken in Helsinki open market’.

First, I was so amazed finding this in the Hall market, so many food and even books about Finnish Food. You can even find bars and restaurant in it.  There are so many sandwiches offered at that time. You could get a small Reindeer Kebab for 6€.

Reindeer Canned meat

Tasting the Reindeer Kebab: It tasted really different. It juicy and it has less fat in it. The taste felt really weird at first because I think it a bit salty for me. However, it was a great experience to discover and eat Finnish Reindeer Kebab.  Below, you will also find photos of different Reindeer meat I discovered here in Finland.