How to start a healthy lifestyle


So tell me, have “getting healthy” been on your new year’s resolutions list forever? Have you failed multiple times trying to maintain that healthy lifestyle? Have you ever wished you would actually begin to be healthy? If your answer is a big YES, then here are some very helpful tips to get you started and prolong your fitness journey!

First thing first, set your goal

Most of the time, people failed because they did not set a specific yet do-able goal. Taking little steps gradually towards your goal or setting weekly goals that contribute to the overall goal is a very good start.

Remember to be clear, be practical, and be committed to the plan. Take it easy, don’t be too harsh on yourself or else it will be very difficult to prolong the plan. Gradually you will feel like this IS your way of life, your nature, your habit, and your lifestyle.

Make your time

Legend says you can’t have good grades, a social life, and be healthy at the same time. Well, if you are planning to graduate with a 5.0 GPA then maybe it is true. But for a normal college student, it is not that hard to spend around 4-5 hours every week to work out. Besides, going to the gym or a dancing class, yoga class with your friends is a great bonding and socializing time.

Don’t let yourself allow any excuses!

You are what you eat

Eating healthy is the key to a healthier lifestyle. I know, life isn’t fair, all the good food in the world is so unhealthy. But you don’t have to cut all the goodies out immediately (and it would be fairly impossible), just allow yourself to gradually adapt to a better diet.

Start by substituting unhealthy food with more nutritious options. For example, replacing sugar with honey or stevia, cooking oil with coconut oil, junk food with fruits or dark chocolate, … Try to avoid premade/canned/boxed food, and buy whole food, raw food to cook yourself instead. That way you know exactly what ingredients you are consuming.

And low-carb or calorie counting is not necessary at all, it will only stress you out more and won’t help you maintain for a long time. Find a diet that is suitable for YOU, that you are comfortable with and you find it easy to prolong.

Remember to reward yourself with an ice cream or burger sometimes too!

You see sweat, I see sparkle

Sweating is sexy. Start your exercising habit to strengthen your immune system, lower risk of diseases, get a more attractive physique, … and overall a better health. Choose whatever activity that you like, swimming, running, biking, weightlifting, or anything, but stick around it for at least 2-3 days per week.

Keep yourself motivated by keeping track of your changes, your positive feelings with a diary or log book.

A healthier lifestyle will surely improve your health noticeably, give you more confidence and energy, and make you become a “better you”. Just start on the right track, and never give up!