Student Story
My name is Viveka Titola, I’m 22 years old.
I was born in Myllykoski and moved to Kouvola like 7 years ago.
It was during high school when we moved here and I enjoyed my time in high
school cause it was one of the most popular schools in the area (Lyseo high
school). While growing up I tried to be a good student, my average grade was
9.3 so I was a bit nerdy trying to be a perfectionist.
When I was 6 years old, I started dancing and I continued during primary school
as a cheerleader. I was very ambitious and always wanted to be the best in what
I was doing. To this day dancing is a part of me and now I give dancing
lessons. Along the way, I took some instruction courses about gymnastics
exercises. About 8 years ago I started coaching youngsters and now I train
adults as well.
After finishing high school took a break for 6 months. I applied for different
jobs and worked as a cashier in a store. I really liked the customer service
but when I went back to dancing lessons it reminded me how much I enjoy moving
freely with peoples around. My father, which I adore him alot was involved in
the theatre here in Kouvola and my grandparents had a musical band. They made
their own cd music and they had few small gigs around here. Probably it’s my
bloodline to be an energetic and expressive person.
Not being happy with my job I decided to look forward and study. Digital
business (tradenomi digitaalinen liiketoiminta monimuoto opinnot) was a new
studying program at XAMK at 2017 and got my interest, at the time I didn’t know
that it was going to change my life direction. Now I’m working on my thesis,
the journey I had during studies it’s priceless. The thesis theme is to
research influencer marketing in Emma Gala’s activity and how they could
develop it.
Xamk is one of the main collaborators of the Emma Gala. Last year I took part in the course where we get to plan a digital marketing strategy for Emma Gala and my team’s strategy was chosen to be the best one. Now we got the opportunity to put our strategy in the practice.
I’m thankful to XAMK for giving to me the best education and clear the way for me towards my dreams. Kouvola it’s a small town and I guess rumors fly fast cause after joining XAMK, I got a call from a high-quality fashion store to which I applied before but got rejected, now they wanted me back.
I’ve been there for about 2 years. I stopped there cause now I’m doing an internship in XAMK in the marketing department but they told me that I can always go back.
It gives me the security to know that I’ve got a place to go after graduating
but during studies, I grew a lot personally and professionally now I want to
move around and have more experience. I have my own blog that I write about my
personal life. Feel free to check it out and comment however you feel about it
- Learning and Growth Mindset - 13th September 2024
- Another successful meeting – IBSEN meets XAMK in Kouvola, May 2024 - 16th May 2024
- Blending and joining the Finnish work life - 8th December 2023