Vol.25 Issue 15, 03 February 2023
We had the opportunity to communicate with Mr. Jesse Myllylä online during our session. He has an ice cream business that names Happy Times. It is business with a basis in Finland that speaks English well. There are 10 locations for the business, founded in 2019 in Kuopio, and the first kiosk opened in Tampere. Now they have franchises in Kouvola, Kuopio, Lahti, Lappeenranta, Tampere, Lempäälä, and Jyväskylä. They also seeking more business entrepreneurs in the Happy Times. Anyone can join their franchise at any time. As well as banks provide loans for business entrepreneurs. It is best to do this job throughout the summer. In producing the ice creams, according to Jesse, they used the greatest ingredients. On their menu, there are 12 different ice cream varieties. There is a wide selection of specialty coffee and soft drinks. Coffees include Latte, Americano, Cappuccino, and Espresso. Several types of ice creams are available like Mansikka, Mango, Mustikka- Piirakka, Pistaasi, Oreo, Lime, Vanilla, Kiivi, Nutella, Lakritsi- Turkinpippuri. I also tried the tastes of Kiivi, Oreo, and Mango flavors, these ice creams are delicious. Jesse said every entrepreneur working with the Happy Times chain is provided with high-quality marketing materials, a marketing strategy, and instructions on running a firm. Happy Times business model is created to make it simple, secure, and even possible for someone starting their own company to operate successfully without any prior business knowledge. In further time, the chain with an ice cream business model that operates out of kiosks with a Hawaiian feel. Jesse’s explanation was good, and he answered our questions. Moreover, bamboo has been used to build up the establishment. They make use of wooden tables and chairs for sitting. Jesse also said in his conservation that if they are successful, we might hold the diversity. The Happy Times chain, they are seeking energetic young people. Their strategy is simple to implement and necessities no prior expertise in the field. There is a complete a little contact form for the application and if we satisfy the requirements given in the form and are learning more about joining the Happy Times, they will get back to us in a few business days. They are happy to serve with their products.
I was met a Happy Times person for the first time, although I had already tried the Happy Times ice creams. I had a fantastic session. I gained a lot of knowledge to help me start my own Happy Times enterprise.
Thank you, Readers.
Amandeep Kaur Brar

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