
Vol no 25, issue no 15, 3 February 2023

I’ve never met any businesspeople in my life. However, I was quite happy and anxious to meet with that one entrepreneur and hear about his successful life when I learned that he was coming to visit with us in person on our campus. When we met at that time, I paid close attention to what he had to say and picked up a lot from him as well, which I’ll explain now. The real estate firm’s owner is Heikki Reijonen, to start. His tale taught me that everyone has to give it a shot in order to succeed. Additionally, I discovered from him that building strong customer relationships is more crucial in business than anything else for growth. Additionally, I discovered from him that building strong customer relationships is more crucial in business than anything else for growth. When a customer is happy with a business, success is not difficult to come by. So, in order to run a successful business, we must both meet the demands of our clients and work to pique their interest in it. Additionally, we always try to gather client input, whether it be positive or negative. In order to solve their client’s problem, the business should question them and let them know that they are interested in helping.

Additionally, concentrating on sales and pricing might be advantageous for the business. You must be aware of your sales if you are a businessperson. Your selling efforts must be concentrated on the advantages of the buyer. In addition, I discovered from him that individuals should dream big and work to make their dreams come true if they want to succeed and make more money. If they set their sights high and are willing to take chances, they can succeed in anything.

Furthermore, it is commonly accepted that those who never set objectives for themselves squander time and money by going down the incorrect road in life, in addition to wasting both of those resources. In order to proceed down this path, another factor that is more crucial is health. People typically work hard and don’t worry about their health in the current society. So, in my opinion, maintaining good health is also important for success. Through his tale, I learned a great deal of information that is useful in both business and daily life. I am really grateful to him for spending his valuable time with us and educating us.