A Multifaceted Comparison of Finland, India, and New Zealand: “What Sets Them Apart”
Vol. 25, Issue 06, 14 October 2022
Here’s the Part 3 ‘ of the articles named ‘Assessing India’s Education System’ and ‘New Zealand: A Paradise on Earth’.
Before travelling somewhere, it’s always good to have some background information on the country. This article contains life experiences in India, New Zealand and Finland.
Being a native Indian, I lived my lives in India, New Zealand, currently I am in Finland. I would have to concur that it entirely relies on the criteria. I like Finland because I’ve gotten accustomed to its higher level of organizations, dependability and privacy. But if I attempt to approach it from a different angle, I’d have to admit that I think most countries would find it simpler to settle in New Zealand. The people there seem to have a much more familiar and US style culture. For someone from a more outgoing culture, Finland’s social norms- while disregarding them wouldn’t result in any fights. It might prove to be a bit challenging, since the country also has extremely severe winters. Even if you speak the language fluently, it is more tougher to obtain a work in Finland than it is in New Zealand.

However, Finland is quite safe and public services are excellent. The healthcare and education systems are higher caliber. Traveling from India to New Zealand and Finland are quite similar. People are pleasant in both locations, but in very different ways. It was thrilling to relocate to Finland, a nation so dissimilar to my own. There is most likely nothing comparable between India and Finland. Everything is practically the polar opposite of each other, including the weather, customs, population, culinary preferences. When I tried to make small conversation with the driver on the first taxi journey from the railway station to my accommodation, I got very little. I knew things were going to become interesting.

The freedom granted to students at University to pick things to study depending on their interests rather than their areas of specialty pleased me. There were many tights research connections between the university and industry, which was quite different from my upbringing, where the curriculum was rigorous and academics and industry were rather insulated from one another. All of this extremely different from India, where there is up much academic rivalry and pressure that students sometimes forget to relax and enjoy their lives. It seemed strange at first to address professors and seniors by their first names but being courteous without excessive formalities was a nice adjustment. In Finland Finnish language lectures are also be taught in the universities.
On a lighter side, I believe Finland can learn something from India about tasty cuisine. Even though most of the components unavailable in Kouvola. I occasionally miss the flavors, spices and sheer diversity of cuisine we have in India. Every time I cook with the products from my area, the results grow better. It was a tremendous adjustments to go from India to New Zealand, then from New Zealand to India and finally from India to Finland, but I feel at home here and Finland has become my second home. A lot of talented people work in technology, especially in Kouvola. This region in Europe, I believe is where more innovations are being made than any other since it is home to some of the brightest brains in the telecom industry. A telecom engineer would be consider it a fantastic location. My sense of belonging is strongest there.
I believe I will always be considered an Indian, but every second I spend in this wonderful nation will infuse a little bit more Finnishness inside of me. I’m pleased of that blend. As far as I’m concerned, both are equal. Pros and drawbacks may be found in both countries. My prefered nation in continental Europe is Finland.

Thank you, Readers.
Amandeep Kaur Brar
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